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Monterey Bay Area Roundup

MBAR was established with our guiding principle:
"Keep It Simple."

The Monterey Bay Area Roundup is an annual event that brings together members of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) and Al-Anon to support each other in the ongoing journey of recovery from alcoholism. With a rich history that reflects the spirit of community, service, and spirituality, the event has grown to become a cornerstone for the recovery community in the Monterey Bay region.

Origins and Early Development

The Monterey Bay Area Roundup follows the tradition of A.A. roundups, which started in the 1940s in various parts of the United States. Roundups became increasingly common as regional and local A.A. communities sought to create spaces for large-scale gatherings that fostered personal and spiritual growth through the principles of the A.A. 12 Steps. These gatherings were created to celebrate sobriety milestones, strengthen the bonds of fellowship, and provide a platform for sharing experiences, strength, and hope among A.A. and Al-Anon members.

This event has dedicated itself to helping people facing the toughest challenges and move toward a stronger, and more resilient future.

Below are MBAR's banners used over the years.

Audio Recording of Speakers

Paul O. from 2019

Prior Conference Programs

Adobe PDF icon 2024 Program(Open pdf in browser)

MBAR 2026 on Labor Day weekend!

Virtual Kick-Off Zoom Meeting

September 4th at 8:00pm PDT
This meeting is open to everyone, and we encourage you to join!

In-Person Meetings

September 5th and September 6th at the Monterey Conference Center
Please note that registration is required for the in-person event.

We look forward to seeing you then!