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We're excited about MBAR on
Labor Day weekend!

Virtual Kick-Off Zoom Meeting(Opens Zoom Application)

August 30th at 8:00pm PDT
Speaker: Oliver D. from Delaware
Meeting ID: 831 4306 2293
Passcode: 2024
This meeting is open to everyone, and we encourage you to join!

In-Person Meetings

August 31st and September 1st at the Monterey Conference Center
Please note that registration is required for the in-person event.

We are excited to have you join us! Please come over to the registration table to sign up in person, as online registration is now closed. We can't wait to welcome you!

Registration 2024 In Person

We are excited to have you join us!
Please come over to the registration table to sign up in person, as online registration is now closed.
We can't wait to welcome you!

If you are paying for more than one person, add their name(s) in the note section.
Please be sure to use the qrCodes or links below for payment that completes your registration.
You're welcome to pay for your registration by check or cash instead of Venmo or PayPal.

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Please add your registration name in the payment. If you are paying for more than one person, add their name(s) in the note section.

You're welcome to pay for your online registration by check or cash in person instead of Venmo or PayPal.

The QR codes below require the mobile apps.

Helpful Tip: PayPal's qrCode brings you to the login screen. After logging in, click on the qrCode icon at the top right, next to the user icon, and then scan the qrCode again for the MBAR payment prompt. If you need some assistance with making a payment, please contact our SysAdmin.

Download the Registration Form

Below is the MBAR 2024 registration form and can be returned at the Registration Table.

Adobe PDF iconMBAR 2024 Registration Form(Open pdf in browser)

If you have any registration questions, please contact our Registration Chair

Bethlehem Lutheran Church(Opens a new window)

Triangular warning sign with an exclamation point.Please note: Breakfast and Dinner will be held at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, located at 800 Cass Street in Monterey.
(It is a little over one mile from the Conference Center.)

Monterey Conference Center(Opens a new window)

MBAR 2026 on Labor Day weekend!

Virtual Kick-Off Zoom Meeting

September 4th at 8:00pm PDT
This meeting is open to everyone, and we encourage you to join!

In-Person Meetings

September 5th and September 6th at the Monterey Conference Center
Please note that registration is required for the in-person event.

We look forward to seeing you then!