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Committee Meeting

Open Committee Positions

Join our business meeting, February 8th at 10am, to hear about the responsibilities of the listed positions! Outreach, Co-Chair Outreach, Treasurer, Secretary, Hospitality, Co-Chair Social Media, GSR/IGR Liaison, H&I Liaison, Raffle Prize, Raffle 50/50, Registration, and more!

10:00am for 1.5 hours

Zoom ID: 330 100 7207
Password: 2026

Next Meetings: 2026 MBAR's Committee Elections 02/08/2025, and 03/08/2025

2025 Meeting Minutes

Coming Soon

Archived Meeting Minutes Over the Years

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday September 28, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions;
3. New attendees: Sara R.;
4. Any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since last meeting? Chris T. 12 years, Jane H. 29 years in Al-Anon, and Noami B. 24 years;
5. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all for your continued support and attendance for the 2024 Wrap up Meeting! It was very fun and exciting. Most importantly we made contact with newcomers that I have been in contact with since the conference and continue to see at meetings. I cannot Thank all of you who were of service and assisted in the lead up to the conference without your help it would not have been the success that it was. I am so looking forward to the committee reports.

We do have a very important topic of discussion post the Financial and Figures, regarding: Tax Status.

All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience! MBAR Chair positions are to be rotated and fulfilled by members to increase their ability to practice and uphold Traditions and increase their Spiritual Experience by working and playing with members new and old.
6. Approve/Amend minutes from last meeting;
Registration - Naomi B.: Naomi expressed gratitude for support during her illness and inability to attend MBAR; Challenges reconciling registrations (registration forms were submitted incomplete);

On Site Registration Update: 140 on site registrations - 75 A.A., 19 Al-Anon, unknown Spanish A.A., 7 Double Winners, 1 Alateen, 3 Helping Hand (No funds), 9 Ice Cream, 6 Breakfasts, 5 Dinners, and $75 helping hand registration;

428 Total registrations: 275 A.A., 70 Al-Anon, 30 Double Winners, 30 Spanish, 23 Other, 91 Bundles, 127 Dinners, 102 Breakfasts, 130 Ice Cream, and $1,525 in Helping Hand contributions;

Collected $26,345 per Naomi's accounting;

Demographics: 35 Carmel, 20 Carmel Valley, 7 Del Rey Oaks, 6 Fresno, 21 Marina, 48 Monterey, 44 Pacific Grove, 7 Pebble Beach, 52 salinas, 7 Santa Cruz, 29 Seaside, 10 Watsonville, and 70 different cities comprise the balance of registrations - Las Vegas, Oregon, Washington, and Kansas;
7. 7th Tradition
8. Committee Reports
Treasurer - Carolyn: , Numbers off from Naomi's, Carolyn will reconcile to Naomi's figures, Approximately $11,000 collected on site at MBAR for a variety of items, Additional effort required to reconcile, Spreadsheet includes income/expenses throughout the two year period leading up to the conference, Ice cream figure needs to be updated, Recommendation to increase the budget for committees as registrations are received to ensure sufficient materials for attendees, $25 refund from facility forthcoming, Merchandise loss as we have merchandise left over, Hospitality suite successful as well as the cash and carry; Remaining funds $29,796, including prudent reserves; Question about distribution of funds decision makers; Ending balance is $30,243, Spoke to independent enrolled agent regarding taxes; Recommendation that registration and treasurer have a shared document with limited editing access to eliminate errors and provide accurate reporting; Venmo/PayPal fees were unbudgeted expenses; Increase incentive for early bird registrations; Online purchases were difficult to reconcile; Unfilled chair positions affected effectiveness; Fundraisers kept us in the black; Refund policy not clear; T-shirt person says they can link to the MBAR website; Room arrangements created challenges with sound; Too much going on Saturday night; Positive feedback about the games and activities; Positive feedback on cash/carry;

Comments Double winners benefit both fellowships - How is disbursement determined? Attendance based? Flat percentage?
Al-Anon will communicate to the next committee the amount and entities receiving the Al-Anon disbursements that MBAR 2024 distributes to Al-Anon, Al-Anon 7th tradition includes walk-ins from Marathon meetings to help Al-Anon offset costs for Al-Anon speakers - info provided as background from Al-Anon ($268 collected by Al-Anon from Marathon meetings), 50/50 Raffle clarification question, Vendor contributions lumped into another pot and these figures will be corrected and reported out - Not on Treasurer's report individually (lumped in with 7th Tradition in error), Spanish speaking contribution clarification - numbers of registrations two years ago were significantly higher resulting in disbursement by percentage approach;
Facilities - Mark F., File layouts for future use to repeat/edit as needed, Storage for changes of clothes, Rearrange Spanish and Al-anon to eliminate noise issues;

Comments Marathon meeting room is too small - Mary Grace;
Al-Anon - Jane H., Al-Ateen now has six members from zero - Jane, Only snag, Al-Anon Marathon meetings list in the program was 2022, not current. Al-Anon very grateful, Suggests Al-Anon connection with A.A. counterpart throughout the planning process;
Website - Phillip, Website updated with gratitude and content rearrangement, Recordings are now live, Transcripts are being prepared as well, 2026 MBAR banner also added, Waited too long for poll/survey - Wasn't organized well enough, Webhooks for credit card payments recommended, Should have had more help with Zoom meeting to make it run more smoothly, Recommends more surveying, before, during, and after, Cancellation policy (long) is on the bottom of the website

Comments: Kudos from Cindy, Website is beautiful and speakers are accessible
Raffle - Katherine, Would have benefitted from more help, Possibly rearrange the prizes/ticket sales, Possibly co-chair to “speed" prize awards, Too many things going on Saturday to add raffle
Hospitality - Jennifer, Enjoyed the role and is honored to have done it, Under budget;

Comments: Clean, beautiful, and wonderful suite, Cash and carry was GREAT, Phil C was a HUGE help in making things happen with the Hospitality suite, Coffee was available in the suite for $5 all day;
Events - Samantha, Everything went well, Speed fellowship was a huge hit, Scavenger hunt was low in participation due to meeting going long, Bingo went well, Paint was very successful with a waiting list, Werewolf was great, Dance lifted spirits of younger A.A.s, Only comment is for registration, we need something on the website;

Comments: Didn't know what speed fellowship was, People just showed up and enjoyed themselves, Events should be part of the conference going forward Great feedback, would have liked dance to be earlier and bigger, workshops/12 step workshop might be good, Many comments received regarding registration challenges, As a committee, it was expressed that we consider devoting more funds in the events as it added energy and enthusiasm to the conference;
Outreach - Connor, Had a hard time forming a committee, "Old timers" were the biggest help with providing contacts for outreach, Going to meetings and locations personally was most effective, Registration was a problem because there were two websites that needed to be visited to complete registration, Credit card payment was needed, Some people didn't want to provide address on registration form, Having speakers finalized earlier might help with outreach;
Breakfast - Joanie, Support from A.A. was phenomenal, More thought/input into the contract with the church to include prep times, Saturday morning instead of Sunday is recommended, Document with guidelines for speakers recommended;
Speakers - Kathleen, Reimbursement to Saturday speaker was appreciated for gas, Phil was reimbursed for the room at Marriott, Kathleen reimbursed for speaker gifts, Dennis and Krystal were appreciated for how they were cared for by the Committee;

Comments: Timelines for speakers would be helpful, Formats need timelines and times for speakers to share;
Literature - May, Gratitude expressed to Chris and committee, Successful, Salinas Central Office donated rack for pamphlets, Registration not payable by credit card, A lot of free literature given away;

Comments: Conference approved literature only…inconsistencies, Possibly have non-conference approved literature handled as with the card vendor;
Social Media - Gina, Didn't have a huge role on day of conference● Purchasing a flyer creation app/program would be helpful, Talking to committee more about what and where to post, Fundraising events posted were good;
IGR/GSR - Cole, GSR appreciated MBAR representation at their meetings, Central Offices have limited ability to support MBAR, 50/50 raffle was good;

Comments: Historically, support from Central Office has been received, unsure why this changed, Recommendation to connect directly with M.B.I.A.A and report back, Further discussion requested: “If they don't support us, why are they accepting contributions?"
Merchandise - Carolyn, Not all shirts sold, Discounting merchandise requested for sale at tonight's birthday meeting, Permission would have been needed to sell merchandise at tonight's birthday meeting, Committee decision regarding next steps with merchandise (maybe steeply discount and/or use some as prizes), Sara will sit at merchandise booth tonight to distribute items that were pre purchased Motion to postpone decision on excess merchandise by Renée and second by Mary Grace (Motion carried)
Spanish - Not present
Welcoming - Not present
9. Non Profit Status:
For context - Chris T., Cindy A., and Renée held a telephone call with Non-Profit attorney in June as voted on and approved by the Committee. Below is a discussion of the results of this call., Self supporting - Tradition, MBAR is a satellite subdivision of A.A., We are simply a conference, MBAR income is not used for any profit but to pay for future expenses, Steering Committee members are not on payroll, Any decisions about financial structure is determined by the committee, MBAR has not filed any Federal taxes since it's inception, State filings are current with a State Tax ID - Sales Tax is paid;

If we pursue Tax Exempt/Non-Profit status:
All officers must be registered if we file taxes;
Annual report will need to be filed;
Bylaws will be reviewed and Steering Committee members will be registered with the Attorney General, first/last name, addresses (anonymity waived);
501(c)(3) - No taxes on exempt income;
Cost to review our financial;
Not all financial have been maintained or are in tact - Some binders on hand but not dating back;
$445/hour to review the financial, We can operate as an unincorporated entity, which is how we have operated in the past which means we remain viable on a rolling basis, $5,000-$10,000 cost for non-profit, Recommendation from attorney to take care of our tax liability prior to becoming a non-profit;

Comments: Carolyn - Because we are not non-profit, we will owe taxes on funds we have held as a prudent reserve as it is considered taxable; Not all of our expenses are tax deductible; We will be affected by exorbitant penalties; Seven year statute of limitations; We may be audited; Six years ago a call was placed to IRS to determine our non-profit status and we were told we are not non-profit - We are liable for this knowledge;

Suggestion:All funds should be held in the event that a good faith payment may be required, Question about logistics of remaining “unincorporated", We could disperse funds and dissolve committee and nobody in past would be known of, Or unincorporated would start with filing of taxes and then see where we go with unincorporated or non-profit to move forward, Suggestion to consult a professional to give us their best advice for consideration, while appreciating the input from non-professional committee members - possible first consultation would be pro-bono, Suggestion that a sub committee be formed, Consider connecting with other large conference committees for "how-to's", As part of our 9th Step amends, we need to clean up the mess, it will be money worth spending; Michael R. - Incorporation didn't come up until after September 11, 2021 when banking laws changed; Up until then, MBAR was considered affiliated with Salinas and Monterey Intergroups; Consider that MBAR petition Intergroups to become an events committee of the Intergroups such as Unity Day; Alleviates other questions about support from the Intergroups; Group our tax history under the Intergroups;

Motion - Hold on to $30,000 until next meeting and discuss this further with input from various entities by Mary Grace second by Jean (Motion carried);
Next meeting - October 12th at 10 a.m. Mary Grace, second by Renée (Motion carried)
Meeting adjourned at 12:17 p.m.

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday August 17, 2024 at 10am

  1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
  2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Gina;
  3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: None;
  4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
  5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Cindy - #13 revise to send the list of readers to Cindy and Naomi; Approved as amended;
  6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: We are down to our last 2 committee meetings; It is now about details and follow up. Please speak up for any assistance or needs you have discovered in your committee service. We have many hands on this meeting and an abundance of talent combined with the desire to be helpful. However, we are not mind readers, any task can be reviewed and a solid solution brought about by the Higher Power of the Group.
    1. Please be mindful of items the committee has already voted upon and the work of subcommittees to keep within our allotted time and allow for all committee chairs to give their reports that may outline where we need to direct our focus and attention.
    2. All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience! MBAR Chair Positions are to be Rotated and fulfilled by members to increase their ability to practice and uphold Traditions and increase their Spiritual Experience by working and playing with members New and Old.
    3. The following items need consideration, feedback or approval by the committee as they may have costs, planning, and your input to finalize:
      • Registration update and needs;
      • T-shirt prices at the conference: is there a price difference we are needing to decide upon to cover cost, will there be an increase vs those who pre-purchased;
      • Facility Walk through: Any asks or clarifications or details that need to be addressed in the walk through. As follow up please email to Mark F. (email on Committee List attached);
      • Signage for Merch;
      • Kevin had a family emergency; Scoops and Cash box need to be picked up from his home(I have his address to pass along);
    4. Thank you in advance for your participation and support, we are truly approaching some exciting and happy times ahead!
  7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See budget spreadsheet; Moving forward this will have documents presented w/ the actual figures for your review. As well as items needing to be approved for payment; Balance $37,500; $25,500 Expenses to be paid; $12,000 net - short of planned $16,000 prudent reserve; Not included - meal bundles, 50/50, raffle, and 7th tradition; Is it okay for money coming in to be limited to cash or check or PayPal or Venmo? - Carolyn: prefers not to use Square; Cindy: not much Venmo or PayPal in 2019; 50/50 needs to be cash; If 50/50 uses Venmo there will be more sales; Naomi: Square used for registrations; Per Cindy there were technical issues - motion approved: use Square for registrations only; Cash boxes at each meal event are staffed by event volunteers: Mary Grace at breakfast cash box; Renee at dinner cash box;
  8. Registration - Naomi: 222 Complete total - 137 online, 85 paper; Dispersed between fellowships - 158 A.A., 43 Al-Anon, 20 Double, 1 Other; 14 registrations since 8/1/2024; Add-ons - 90 bundles, 111 dinners, 90 breakfast, 105 ice cream, 87 t-shirts; 5 or 6 helping hand requests; Naomi has A.A. and Al-Anon volunteers that will staff registration table; Program complete except Al-Anon readers; Need to update Alateen handout; No input from Robert about Spanish registrations; Tony V. will help with Spanish Speaking registrations; Taking meal registrations up to the day of the event - Aubrey allowing for 10 to 15% over registration count;
  9. Miscellaneous: Church capacity 130 per contract; Motion approved - Samantha buy markers, dobbers, etc. as needed with possibly 130 people; Renee reach out to Transportation(Trevor): plan for 130 people at meals and may use Nick K. to assist;
  10. T-shirt - Kevin(Absent): Prices - Ordered 144 total and average cost $13.57 - 87 pre-ordered, 57 to sell at conference, Motion approved: sell t-shirts at conference for $15; Carolyn pickup t-shirts 8/17/2024; Chris has mugs at her house; Committee t-shirts can be picked up at Chris' house - Monday or later: call Chris to coordinate;
  11. Facilities - Mark F.: Walk through 8/22/2024 at 1pm; Contact Mark F. with any needs;
  12. Meeting Chairpersons make sure they get list of readers to Cindy or Naomi A.S.A.P.
  13. Signage for Merchandise: Motion approved - sell merchandise on first come, first served basis;
  14. Merchandise - Kevin: Family emergency - Chris covering; Renee pick up ice cream scoops in Salinas;
  15. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
  16. Al-Anon - Jane: Issue with silent auction resolved - Carolyn talked to Thomas: verified that Al-Anon does separate accounting; Registration coordinated; Speakers coordinated; Don't put Alateen name on flyers;
  17. Welcome - Arthur: Sign-up sheets going around; Need volunteers for Sunday;
  18. Raffle Bundles - Katherine: No report
  19. Website - Phillip: Updated homepage content and layout with marathon meetings; added AA marathon meeting page and Al-Anon marathon meeting page; Al-Anon page updated with marathon meeting section; updated the committee page; enabled the ASL feature on Zoom(easy) and purchased large meeting add-on for one month for $50 with the credit card on file; started to ask for readers for Zoom meetings; agreed to help Cole with 50/50 raffle; added conference center floor plan pdf; created backup of the online registrations; To do's and ideas - Perhaps reword the hospitality sign to read 'private' because if it says 'hospitality' peeps might associate it with the hospitality room from 2022; Online pdf fliers for the main speakers and AA marathon meeting are work in progress, by the respective chairs, and it's wise to wait for the final final before making them available for download; Is it okay to post pics of the mug and tumbler online? If so, please Chris would you send it or them over; If and when the Spanish A.A. marathon meeting schedule has a rough outline, then could we have it online too? I'll add the 8-10-24 meeting notes by Monday at the latest; I'll backup the online reg every three days since we are in the home stretch as one of them slipped through the cracks. Lost data is taboo.
  20. Social Media - Gina: Posting on local groups;
  21. Events - Samantha: All materials received except bingo supplies; Found D.J. - Mark A. for dance; Have volunteers for most everything; Need volunteers for the dance;
  22. Hospitality Room - Jennefer(in Texas): Working on bottled water; Planning two photo booths; Coordinating with Mark F. in Facilities;
  23. Spanish - Robert: Coordinating with Naomi; Passing along program;
  24. G.S.R. / I.G.R. - Cole: attending GSR meeting Tuesday;
  25. Breakfast - Joanie: Contract with church finalized including Friday night; Renee forward insurance information to Joanie - forward to the church; Revise terminology on website breakfast is not continental; Sean help with A.A. coffee urns; Mary Grace and Chris coordinate cash box - get there by 730am; Jean and Carolyn provide change;
  26. Fund Raising and Fellowship Events: Coastal Rally - Arthur and Connor;
  27. New Business: None;
  28. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 08/24/2024 at 10am; Subsequent meetings will be every week till the conference date;
  29. Next Steering Committee meeting: 8/27/2024 at 7pm;
  30. Meeting adjourned with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Arthur, Carolyn, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Dawn, Gina, Jane, Janet, Jean, Joanie, Kathleen, Mary Grace, Phil C., Phillip, Renee, Roger, Samantha, and Sean;

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday August 10, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Gina;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: None;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: As a Reminder per the vote conducted by the committee we are now meeting weekly leading up to the Conference. This meeting will be occurring weekly and maintain 1 to 1.5 hours long as we have time sensitive items to discuss and approve;

Committee Approval/ Discussion Items: The following items need consideration, feedback or approval by the committee as they may have costs, planning, and your input to finalize;
- Raffle Bundles Qty and Price of Tickets;
- Hospitality Room Update and Proposal;
- Decorations Chair Assistance Needed Please;
- Countdown Volunteer(two People): Execution of this is following a counting Template as well as being in front of everyone as the count down;
- Meeting Secretaries Readers for Naiomi to add to Schedule: We should have a variety and committee participation;

Thank you in advance for your participation and support, we are truly approaching some exciting and happy times ahead!
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See budget spreadsheet - Hospitality suite and ASL will change: 31 online registrations this week, 133 total online; Balance $35,609; Several registrations - payment does not match registration; Unpaid early bird will honor reduced payment upon receipt of payment; Merchandise: Motion Approved - Water Bottle cost $9.99 - charge $10.00; Mugs cost $18.25 (reduced to $14 by supplemental purchase of 72 mugs by Carolyn) - charge $15; AV contract signed;
8. Mark Facilities: Setup layout requested from Cody - Mark share layout maps with committee; Committee chairs email Mark any setup requests; Plan for another walk through - Chris and Mark Coordinate; Raffle Committee let Mark know how many prize tables are needed; Note: Al-Anon will not hold a raffle or 50/50 only the silent auction;
9. Raffle Bundles - Katherine: Motion Approved - bundle raffle tickets and bundle 50/50 tickets: 6 tickets at $5; 12 tickets at $10; 25 tickets at $20; Extensive discussion regarding silent auction - No AA silent Auction; Possible tax issues with Al-Anon silent auction: Carolyn on the record - strongly objected to the silent auction; Consider alternate wording 'silent auction gift'; Jane: auction done frequently in past MBARs; Carolyn: check threshold for 1099s;
Motion - Passed; and re-voted Passed: Allow Al-Anon to proceed with silent auction - Jane (Al-Anon) - set up meeting with Carolyn(A.A. Treasurer) and Thomas(Al-Anon Treasurer) and Harry to look into possible options to comply with tax code requirements;
10. Hospitality Room: Hyatt - Room is complimentary and coffee may be complimentary; Pricing not yet confirmed - Should be within budget; Room is a meeting space - ADA toilet rooms nearby; Conference Center to provide cash and carry stations - No cost to MBAR; individuals pay for what they use;
Motion approved - Hospitality suite for speakers, panel speakers and committee members and significant others only;
Motion approved - Jennifer setup hospitality suite along with cash and carry;
Motion approved - No signage directing people to hospitality suite; registration packets for speakers, panel speakers and committee members and significant others will have directions in their registration packet; Jennifer add signage at the room;
Motion approved - No donation jar in hospitality suite;
11. Decorations - Need volunteers: Areas to decorate - Main area of Conference Center; Events; No decorations on speaker stage; Volunteers: Jennifer to Chair; Gina; Esther; Purchase candy and flowers;
12. Saturday Count Down: Need volunteers - Carolyn; Arthur;
13. Meeting Chair Persons: submit list of readers to Naomi;
14. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Raffle - Katherine: Raffle on stage after Saturday meeting; Determine best approach to expedite the process;
Motion approved - pre-draw tickets and post on prizes;
b. Media - Gina: To be announced;
d. T-shirts - Kevin: No issues; Mugs and water bottles ordered; Need to staff sales table with volunteers; Jean confirmed that there will be a cash box available;
e. Hospitality - Jennifer: Nothing to add;
f. Speakers - Kathleen: Working on gift baskets; Cindy will forward a list of secretaries for speaker meetings with update formats;
Approved Motion - purchase recording device to record meetings;
g. Dinner - Aubrey: No update;
h. 50/50 - Cole: At end of Saturday meeting; Need to determine if there are two winners for early bird 50/50;
i. Registration - Naomi (report by Chris): 124 online - 10 incomplete; 207 total - 124 online; 83 paper; 60 bundles; 67 dinners; 56 breakfast; 55 ice cream; 81 t-shirts; 10 out of state;
j. Merchandise - Kevin: No report;
Motion approved - re-vote approved: Early sale of merchandise - Sell only coffee mugs to committee members before conference; Use as marketing too;
k. Dance and Events - Samantha: Dance is in Steinbeck Room; 56 Breakfast sign-ups; 48 bingo dobbers; Order more if needed; All set for events;
l. Al-Anon - Jane: Set up meeting with Carolyn(A.A. Treasurer), Thomas(Al-Anon Treasurer) and Harry to look into possible options to comply with tax code requirements; Christine: No change to Al-Anon Silent Auction 2024 - Pass on concerns for future silent auctions;
m. Outreach - Conor: Looking for a list of speakers; Continuing to actively promote the conference; Table at Coastal Rally - Mark S. assist;
14. Outreach:
a. Coastal Rally
15. New Business: None;
16. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 08/17/2024 at 10am; Subsequent meetings will be every week till the conference date;
17. Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Arthur, Aubrey, Carolyn, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Conor, Esther, Gina, Jane, Janet, Jean, Katherine, Kathleen, Kevin, Mark F., Mark S., Mary Grace, May, Phil C., Renee, Roger, and Samantha;

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday August 3, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Cindy;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: None;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved with revisions;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: As a Reminder per the vote conducted by the committee we are now meeting weekly leading up to the Conference. This meeting will be occurring weekly and maintain 1-1.55 hours long as we have time sensitive items to discuss and approve.

ATTN: The following items need consideration and approval by the committee as they have costs should they be exceeding line item values on budget or added info for your consideration: Committee Meeting Notes approval/Amend; The Committee BBQ Survey is being sent and we will need responses within __ days; Program- Secretaries and Readers for Main Meetings; Follow up for Dennis' Room; Hospitality Room suggestions and guidance; Finalized Registration form post T-Shirts and Bundles;

Thank you in advance for your participation and support, we are truly approaching some exciting and happy times ahead!
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See attached budget spreadsheet; 31 online registrations this week, 133 Total online; Balance $34,854; T-shirts ordered Thursday - Approve artwork the 12 days to delivery; AV contract signed;
8. Committee BBQ: Chris send invitation to Al-Anon; Sign-up link to be sent out by email - Need responses by 8/23; $10 donation - provide bucket at the BBQ - simpler for the treasurer; Speakers are free; Approved Motion - Accept online registration; Pay at the event; Matt and Mark Purchase supplies and submit for reimbursement; Arthur has supplies (paper plates, utensils, etc.); Ribs / Chicken / tri-tip at past events;
9. Program: See attached; Renee - ASL booked for Sat and Sun Meetings; Update program to show which meetings have ASL; Add 8pm Friday Zoom meeting; Add schedule to website, etc. so it can be downloaded to a phone; Add info about which room events are being held; Mark share with Conf Center; Naomi distribute updated draft and distribute to steering committee for approval;
10. Dennis(2pm Sat Speaker): Kathleen confirm that there is a hotel room booked;
11. Hospitality Room: Budget $2,159; Phil C - room may not be available at Marriott - he will verify status; Mary Grace - room available to everyone; Cindy - 2019 Portola, we brought our own snacks - saved money; Kathleen Original Concept - Suggested $5 donation; Food supplied by volunteers no cost; Jennifer will arrange to have somebody watch the room when its open; Committee request budget adjustment if needed; Make sure room is accessible (ADA - mobility etc.); Finalize details next week - Where is room to be located; Is room for everyone at the conference?
12. Finalized Registration form post T-Shirts and Bundles; Updated form - Phillip emailed and posted online; Take off deadline for Breakfast; Fix PayPal text; Phillip update; Zoom meeting is free - Chris e-blast Zoom meeting ID etc.; Pre-registration 50/50 not applicable after 7/31; Approve Motion - items above;
13. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina: Posted flyer and event flyers and registration form on Facebook; Making a BBQ flyer; Corrected registration amount from $55 to $50; Circulate event flyers and registration form and web link on Facebook;
b. T-Shirt - Kevin: No issues; Mugs and water bottles ordered; Need to staff sales table with volunteers; Jean confirmed that there will be a cash box available;
c. Hospitality - Jennifer: Nothing to add;
d. Speaker - Kathleen: Working on gift baskets; Cindy will forward a list of secretaries for speaker meetings with update formats; Approved Motion - purchase recording device to record meetings;
e. Literature - May: Encouraged everyone to bring used books to MBAR for sale; Use old newcomer packets by adding new meeting schedules; Discuss the question of purchasing pamphlets next week;
f. Outreach - Conor: Attend big meetings - San Jose Sat Evening; Santa Crux Sun Morning; Reached out to central offices; Contacted one Alano Club; Mighty Muffins; Kit was successful - A.A. and Al-Anon Meeting; Salinas Birthday Meeting; Treatment Centers - reduced registration cost 'contribution'; Arthur contact Door to Hope, Genesis, Sun Street, CHOMP, etc.; Table at Pacific Group Bus Event; Table at Coastal Rally - Mark S assist;
g. Marathon Meeting - Mark S.: Sending updated schedule to Naomi and Phillip; Coordinate with Mark for tables and chairs;
h. Welcome - Arthur: No issues; Distributing sign-up sheets; No greeters during speaker meeting;
i. Raffle - Katherine: Don't sell tickets during speaker meetings; Have somebody watch table during speaker meetings; Drop off prizes Central Offices (Monterey and Salinas); Cole - 50/50 Raffle - Sell tickets; Sat AA meeting; Sun Al-Anon meeting; Pre-Reg 50/50 Naomi coordinate drawing Sat Night meeting - Steering committee: decide one or two winners;
j. Events - Samantha: Prizes - $100 donation, total available $160; Dance in the Stevenson Room - DJ Cancelled; Samantha put together music playlist; Mark S. has a mixer; Balloons oka, no glitter or confetti - Needs a copy of the volunteer sign up sheet from the softball event;
k. Facilities - Mark F.: Locked in Colton 3 as a Counting room; Terrace included no additional charge; Need schedule for room usage, a program;
l. Website - Philip (emailed report): Since I have to leave at 1125 for a commitment, I'm going to email my report; I have updated the website including reg form, home page announcements, MBAR schedule, update the reg form including verbiage - online registration can be paid by check as there was some confusion by a member; Also, the PDFs are accessible by safari as the prior pdf opened as a pop up and blocked by default; This should increase reg volume hopefully; I'll reach out to Carolyn for offering assistance with PayPal; I double check the online helping hands form and location - I'll contact May about UI issue; As for the ASL question, it would be in our best interest for anticipating their needs; Once the program is finalized, please send it over and I'll push the content; Same with the Marathon meeting for AA and Al-Anon with Eng/Span schedule; Any online errors or issues seen by anyone, please let me know, and it can be updated; I'll update the Zoom format, test 50/50 script, get speakers and co-hosts lined up, ASL interpreter feature, and get the cost for a large meeting which last MBAR it was $50; Should we announce the Hospitality Suite online? When the cups and mugs are in hand, I'll get pics and push the content; I'll update the reg form.- completed;
m. Dinner - Aubrey: No issues
n. Registration - Naomi: 200 total completed registrations received - 120 online 82 paper; 14 incomplete not paid; 140 A.A., 39 Al-Anon, 19 Double, 2 Other; No Spanish registrations; 67 dinners; 56 breakfast;
o. Breakfast - Joanie: Get contract updated, resolve questions about deposit paid; Prep Friday - Bethlehem Lutheran; Use Central office coffee urns; insurance coverage for Fri and Sat - Rene: check central office; Samantha: look into other options;
p. Decorations - breakfast and dinner: Samantha will setup table cloths Fri afternoon; Supplies come out Breakfast and Dinner budget; Aubrey will contribute table cloths; Chris has vases that can be used;
14. Outreach:
a. Pacific Group Bus Trip
b. Coastal Rally
15. New Business: None;
16. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 08/10/2024 at 10am; Subsequent Meetings will be every week till the conference date;
17. Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Arthur, Carolyn, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Esther, Gina, Janet, Jean, Joanie, Katherine, Kathleen, Kevin, Mark F., Mark S., Mary Grace, May, Naomi, Phillip, Phil, Renee, Roger, and Samantha;

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday July 13, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Cole;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: Jennifer;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? Samantha 7 years;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved with revisions;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all for your continued support and attendance for our planning meeting!! I am so looking forward to the committee reports and the re-cap of what the sub-committee was able to secure for Speakers. This Meetings Agenda will hit big early as we have several items needing attention and support from the entire committee in the next few months as MBAR 2024 is quickly approaching.

As discussed and voted upon by the Committee this meeting will be 1.5 hours and as we embark upon several tasks at hand as committee chairs will be needing to come together and ensure that we have the support of the committee to ensure these tasks can be executed to the best of our ability,

Please be mindful of items the committee has already voted upon and the work of subcommittees to keep within our allotted time and allow for all committee chairs to give their reports that may outline where we need to direct our focus and attention.

All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience! MBAR Chair Positions are to be Rotated and fulfilled by members to increase their ability to practice and uphold Traditions and increase their Spiritual Experience by working and playing with members New and Old.

We are needing the following chairs filled: Hospitality;
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See attached budget spreadsheet; Bank Balance $28,914; Discussion about AV Contract (see attached quote) - Includes Assisted Listening: 25 headsets; ASL: Renee volunteered to research ASL vendors; Closed Caption: RDM stated that ASL is required if requested per telecom with DOJ; Spanish will do their own translation - nothing needed from AV; Motion Approved Gift basket budget $231 - for AA Speakers, Al-Anon and Spanish have their own budget; Motion Approved - increased events budget: Add contribution baskets at event venues; Motion Deferred - ACV Cost / Contract; Motion approved - Revise literature budget to $0 budget: Carolyn follow-up with May - obtain literature from Central Office on loan as was done in previous years;
8. The following items need consideration and approval by the committee as they have costs should they be exceeding line item values on budget:

Motion Deferred - Conference T-Shirts 26 ordered so far on registrations - Kevin research pricing for reduced quantity;

Motion approved - Committee t-shirts 27 ordered;

Motion Approved - $400 Room for funds at MBAR to be secured: Option 1 - Steinbeck Room 3 and Option 2 - Room already paid and secured by Carolyn for Guest;

Motion Deferred - ASL Translator: For EACH Translator at each meeting it requires 2 translators for breaks and lunches; Last year translators were used at Big Meeting Saturday and Panel Meetings; Do we have ASL any ASL requests at the moment?

Motion Deferred - AV Cost as note: Last year a member with AV background was willing to turn on and off microphones that not have to have Encore staff set up at each meeting; This was approved by prior conversation with encore;

Increase of Funds to be accessible to Committee Chairs based on Committee Chair feedback and info;

Motion Approved - Banner approval (see attached image): color banner approved;
9. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
10. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina, Sean: Added flyer to Facebook;
b. Registration - Naomi: 101 total completed registrations received - 101 total completed registrations received; 20 incomplete not paid; 74 A.A. / 14 Al-Anon / 12 Double / 1 Other; No Spanish registrations; 57 'Bundles'; 23 T-Shirts; 2 Helping Hand; Naomi update Venmo on registration form; Program: In process; Need input from committees for inserts; Need names of meeting secretaries and readers; Jane provide input for Al-Ateen; All speaker registrations are Comp'd;
c. Spanish - Robert: Meeting regularly - Sundays and last Wednesday of the month; Has 10 registrations; Creating Spanish Banner; Vote to select speakers 7/17/2024; Working on program - Naomi to include in main conference program;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: Speakers selected coordinating with Kathleen;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: Placing order for Committee t-shirts - $16.00 plus 10% tax; Placing Order - 18 mugs: cost $19.82; sell for $20; 36 water bottles - cost $11+ - sell for $12; Get revised pricing for 120 committee t-shirts;
f. Speaker - Kathleen: Rooms booked for speakers at Marriott; Kathleen provide current speaker roster - there was some confusion regarding the speaker line up; Committee selected Mark S. as the Friday Kickoff speaker
g. Outreach - Conor: 6 registrations from Friday AA / Al-Anon meeting; Visited 4 central offices; Called 10 central offices; Going to San Jose Saturday Night Live; Jean offered to help with outreach calls; Naomi assist with mass mailing to central offices; Chris suggested going to popular Salinas Meetings; Pointed out issues with online registration - difficult to reconcile cost;
h. Events - Samantha: Insurance secured; Potential Events for MBAR - included a prototype schedule;
i. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: No report;
j. Marathon Meetings - Mark: 11 Saturday and 3 Sunday meetings; May need to add more meetings based on updated program; Naomi provide a copy of the program;
k. Facilities- Sally: No report;
l. Website - Phillip: No report;
m. Raffle - Katherine: No report;
n. Ice Cream - Rick: No report;
o. Breakfast - Joanie: Confirmed free meals for speakers; Need final count 2 weeks before conference; Those that did not sign-up can pay at the venue;
11. Old Business:
a. Reminder Committee Members should all be registered, within the next month;
b. Committee Meetings: Do we have them weekly or Bi- Weekly Leading up to the Conference?
c. Non-Profit Status: Renee - Cindy and I had a conference call with a lawyer; we have much info for the Committee to discuss, and this will be presented at the wrap up committee meeting on 09/14/24 at 10am;
12. Fundraising Ideas
a. Birthday Meeting Presence: July 27th and Aug 31st - need volunteers;
b. Pacific Group bus trip;
13. New Business: None;
a. Committee BBQ - should you want to attend, we will need your presence at the July Committee meeting; Event space is needed and the committee will need to pre-approve payment; Mark and Matt coordinate venue;
14. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 07/23/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
15. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 08/03/2024 at 10am; Subsequent Meetings will be every week till the conference date;
16. Meeting adjourned at noon with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Carolyn, Chris, Cole, Conor, Dawn, Esther, Jane, Janet, Jean, Jennifer, Joanie, Katherine, Kathleen, Katie, Kevin, Mark, Naomi, Phillip, Renee, Robert, Roger, Samantha, and Sean

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday June 8, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Jean;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: None;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? Katherine 14 years, Carolyn 25 years, Mary Grace 45 years, Cole 37 years, and Robert 16 years;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved with revisions;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all for your continued support and attendance for our planning meeting!! I am so looking forward to the committee reports and the re-cap of what the sub-committee was able to secure for T-shirts, as well as a few items needing attention and support from the entire committee in the next few months as MBAR 2024 is quickly approaching.

As discussed and voted upon last meeting this meeting will be 1.5 hours and as we embark upon several tasks at hand as committee chairs will be needing to come together and ensure that we have the support of the committee to ensure these tasks can be executed to the best of our ability,

Please be mindful of items the committee has already voted upon and the work of subcommittees to keep within our allotted time and allow for all committee chairs to give their reports that may outline where we need to direct our focus and attention.

All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience! MBAR Chair Positions are to be Rotated and fulfilled by members to increase their ability to practice and uphold Traditions and increase their Spiritual Experience by working and playing with members New and Old.

We are needing the following chairs filled: Facilities Chair; Shuttle - Per Cindy A; MBAR 2022 Trevor F.; MBAR 2019 (and helped in 2022) Shuttle Service Chair Chuck N.; Please see attached Committee Chair List
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See attached budget spreadsheet; 65 registrations received; Insurance paid; 15 Conference T-shirts; 20 Committee T-shirts; Bank Balance $27,726; Registered - Missing payments saying they'd pay with PayPal: , Molly M., Kerry M., Chris L., Tom L., Sherri M., Brenda S., and Earl W.
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina, Sean: Apology did not send out text reminder for the meeting - she will do it next month;
b. Registration - Naomi: 71 total registrations received - 41 online 21 paper, 9 not paid, 40 AA / 12 Al-Anon / 12 Others, No Spanish registrations, 62 'Bundles'; Logistics for T-shirts - Naomi issue a ticket, Kevin hand out t-shirts; Cindy provide a report next month - count of pre-registrations received in previous years; Arthur pointed out some issues with online registration form - Jean contact Phillip; Chris / Renee / Jean working on Program - forward their work to Naomi;
c. Spanish - Robert: Meeting regularly - Sundays and last Wednesday of the month; Vote on speakers tomorrow;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: Speakers selected coordinating with Kathleen; Filling-up marathon meetings; Jane email committee list and agenda for the program;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: Shared invoice for 240 T-shirts - The basis for pricing T-shirts at $15; Extensive discussion about the logistics of purchasing T-shirts; Must pre-order by 7/30/2024;

Motions Proposed and Passed - Finalize price for all attendee t-shirts at $15; Don't purchase any attendee t-shirts until the full committee approves the purchase; Use fund raising income for costs related to budgeted items where needed; Create agenda item to discuss fund raising surplus and how to use it; Committee chairs present revised budget by 7/1/2024 requesting any changes to funding by 7/1/2024;

Committee t-shirts; $16.00 + 10% tax; Planning on ; 18 mugs - cost $19.82, sell for $20; 36 water bottles - cost $11+, sell for $12; Samantha wants some merchandise for event prizes;
f. Speaker - Kathleen: Jean presented preliminary program created by steering committee; Naomi pointed out the speaker selection should be done by the speaker committee not the steering committee; Naomi & Samantha offered to help Kathleen; Naomi pointed out that the kick-off speaker is typically selected by the whole committee and has been an active MBAR committee member - Chris will add to July agenda;
g. Outreach - Conor: No report;
h. Events - Samantha: Insurance secured; Potential Events for MBAR;
i. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: No report;
j. Marathon Meetings - Mark: No report;
k. Facilities- Sally: No report;
l. Website - Phillip: No report;
m. Raffle - Katherine: Has people lined up to help - Cole: Separate committee members for 50-50 raffle; Motion proposed ticket pricing (raffle & 50/50), passed - 1 Ticket $1, 6 Tickets $5, 12 Tickets $10, 25 Tickets $20;
10. Old Business:
a. Reminder Committee Members should all be registered, within the next month;
b. Non-Profit Status: Committee Members please announce we are needing assistance with this. Chris followed up with Jana to have this be an IGR announcement as well; Motion passed - pay for professional to do non-profit application; Renee & Cindy volunteered to be liaison;
11. Fundraising Ideas
a. Unity Day Presence: 6/9/2024 - Have table and tent - Need volunteers;
b. Birthday Meeting Presence: May 25th, June 29th, July 27th, and Aug 31st - Need volunteers;
c. Softball Event: 7/6/24 - Dampierre Little League Park, Carmel Valley, TC Coordinating - Need volunteers;
12. New Business: None;
13. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 06/25/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
14. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 07/13/2024 at 10am;
15. Meeting adjourned at 11:35am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Arthur, Carolyn, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Gina, Jane, Janet, Jean, Kathleen S., Kathleen F., Katie, Kevin, Mary Grace, May, Naomi, Phil, Renee, Robert, Roger, and Samantha

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday May 11, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Phil C.;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: None;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? Susan 22 years, Kathleen 2 years, and May 34 years;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all for your attendance at our regularly scheduled Committee meeting. I am very aware we have responsibilities; I have many as well, these meetings have been planned in advance to support planning and scheduling for your required attendance especially if you hold a committee chair position. . These next few months are meetings that will be targeted to have your attention and support with the planning, communicating, and orchestrating/organizing the 2024 MBAR conference. To ensure we have a productive meeting please be respectful of the decisions we have already made and voted upon as to keep the focus on the items that are still needing planning.

We only have 3 meetings before our 2024 conference and so I am needing to be sure if you are a committee chair, communication is streamlined, and we are all in close contact with one another to have the planning and execution of time sensitive tasks as swift as possible. Next month we will have a program of the event outlined as we now have a filled Events Chairperson.

Registration in the next couple months is very dependent on our estimation of cost of goods for dinner and supplies. We have a few local events that need to be well attended by the committee and registration tables will need to be manned to have members of our Fellowship Pre-Register with ease as well as have our Gratitude translate to them for making the decision to support and join us.

All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience! MBAR Chair Positions are to be Rotated and fulfilled by members to increase their ability to practice and uphold Traditions and increase their Spiritual Experience by working and playing with members New and Old.

We are needing the following chairs filled: Facilities Chair, Merchandise, H&I, Non-Profit Status, Please see attached Committee Chair List;
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn H.: See attached budget spreadsheet; 51 registrations received; Expect 400 more registrations; Literature budgeted $363 expense and $425 Income - May requested that people donate unneeded books; Non-profit paper work not complete - CPA budgeted to complete this;
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina, Sean: Gina: Softball flyer and sent information to intergroup;
b. Registration - Naomi: 48 total registrations received - 31 online and 17 paper; Investigating process to provide acknowledgement of Venmo payments; Need updated registration forms - online (English and Spanish); Need to include Friday Night Zoom meeting details; Once pricing questions are resolved need to update registration form to include T-shirts; Carolyn will notify (E) registrants;
c. Spanish - Robert: No report;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: Everything on track; Al-Anon / AA Meeting - May 17th at Bethlehem Lutheran Church; Need to update her contact information on the committee list; Need to send her the updated registration forms;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: Managing T-shirts / coffee mugs (order 24) / water bottles (order 48); T-shirt cost not yet finalized - Phillip remove T-shirt price from the website, All T-shirts are to be pre-ordered - Cut off pre-orders 30 days before the event, Some discussion about a bulk order of 240 t-shirts - not resolved at this meeting, Suggestion to pre-order 240 t-shirts and mark-up to cover possibility of unsold t-shirts; Group agreed to price all T-shirts the same to avoid size shaming; Committee t-shirts - $16.00 + 10% tax, Phillip doing an online poll; Updating registration form to include T-shirts - Carolyn will notify (E) registrants; Phillip update online registration form; Need to finalize how sales tax is handled;
f. Speaker - Kathleen: DJ Booked for dance; Friday Zoom - Oliver B. Delaware; Sunday - Darren; Saturday - Crystal; Susan has candidate available - Dennis D. Santa Cruz AA/Al-Anon; Naomi - email list of needed speakers to Kathleen;
g. Outreach - Conor: Approaching individuals at meetings with registration forms; Will solicit help - sponsee's etc.; Plans to attend large meetings in Santa Cruz; Re-send revised registration form to Central offices Monterey, San Francisco, and Los Angeles; Chris print new registration forms and deliver to Central Office and Intergroup;
h. Events - Samantha: Researching insurance companies - no luck so far; Potential Events for MBAR - Trivia, Bingo, Board Games, Corn Hole
i. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: Attending meetings and announcing MBAR;
j. Marathon Meetings - Mark: No report;
k. Facilities- Sally: No report;
l. Website - Phillip: 2024 meeting note posted; Committee list posted; Google analysis updated; Need updated registration forms - English and Spanish; Remove t-shirts until price is finalized; Add notes regarding water bottles & coffee mugs, etc.
m. Raffle - Katherine: Has people lined up to help? - Separate committee members for 50-50 raffle; Need to line up secure storage for prizes at conference center; Focus on lining up raffle prizes for the conference;
10. Old Business:
a. Reminder Committee Members should all be registered, within the next month;
b. Non-Profit Status: Committee Members please announce we are needing assistance with this. Chris followed up with Jana to have this be an IGR announcement as well;
11. Fundraising Ideas
a. Unity Day Presence: 6/9/2024 - Have table and tent, Need volunteers;
b. Birthday Meeting Presence: May 25th, June 29th, July 27th, and Aug 31st - Need volunteers;
c. A.A. / Al-Anon meeting: May 17th - 5pm Dinner and 6pm Speaker
d. Softball Event: 7/6/24 - Dampierre Little League Park, Carmel Valley, TC Coordinating - Need volunteers;
12. New Business:
a. Jersey Committee Shirts: $24,00 S-XL, $28,00 2XL-4XL - Group decided one price for committee t-shirts - $16.00 + 10% tax, Phillip doing an online poll;
b. Order for the bulk of the main t-shirts when we get a rough idea of the count (2 dozen x smalls, 4 x meds,.etc.); Storage has been arranged; Will need transport the few days before the event - Decision tabled - Chris and Kevin discuss logistics, present a plan next month;
13. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 05/28/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
14. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 06/08/2024 at 10am;
15. Meeting adjourned at 11:35am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Amber, Arthur, Carolyn,Chris, Cindy, Cole, Diane, Conor, Esther, Hilda, Jane, Janet, Jean, Joanie, Katherine Anne, Kathleen (In SF), Kathleen, Kevin, Mary Grace, May, Naomi, Phil, Phillip, Renee, Roger, Samantha, Sean, and Susan

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday April 13, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Samantha;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: Hilda, Kathleen(SF);
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all for your attendance at our regularly scheduled Committee meeting. I am very aware we have responsibilities; I have many as well, these meetings have been planned in advance to support planning and scheduling for your required attendance especially if you hold a committee chair position.

These next few months are meetings that will be targeted to have your attention and support with the planning, communicating, and orchestrating and organizing the 2024 MBAR conference. To ensure we have a productive meeting please be respectful of the decisions we have already made and voted upon to keep the focus on the items that still need planning.

Thank you all for your support in the St Patrick's Day Event, the event was well attended and the Fellowship was warm and inviting, we had a 1 year B-day that was able to be celebrated, a visitor from Canada, and a few of the most important people in attendance, the Newcomers.

Committee please be sure you are all actively making MBAR pre-registration announcements as registrations can be done online or by printing a Registration form directly from the montereybayarearoundup.org website.

All Committee Chairs in the Spirit of Rotation please be looking to have your predecessor found and join us in our meetings so they have some MBAR experience!

We are needing the following chairs filled: Events - Samantha nominated & approved;
7. Treasurer's Report - Jean T: See attached budget spreadsheet; Current balance $26,320 includes registrations, bingo, St Patrick's days etc - Includes 39 registrations; Filed 199N form - state & federal; Non-profit paper work not complete - CPA budgeted to complete this; File federal non-profit report - $275 fee;
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina, Sean: Updated Facebook - young people's groups;
b. Registration - Naomi: 39 total registrations received - 27 online 12 paper, 24 AA, 9 Al-Anon, and 6 double winner, 4 free registrations - logo contest & raffle prizes, 4 free for Al-Anon speakers, $2,670 fees collected; Continue working on online registration process; Al-Anon volunteered to assist; Updating registration form to include T-shirts. Naomi will notify registrants; Chris encouraged all committee members to register;
c. Spanish - Robert: Reviewing Spanish translation of registration form, etc.; Spanish group meeting Last Sunday of every month plus other dates; Need hard copy registration forms - Renee forward pdf to Robert;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: All three speakers lined up; Start meetings next week; Committees assembled;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: T-shirt cost - Small to xl - $26, Xxl - $31; Cut off pre-orders 30 days before the event; Email Christina to place an order for committee t-shirts; Updating registration form to include T-shirts. Naomi will notify registrants; Phillip update on-line registration form; Need direction on travel mugs, water bottles, ball caps, etc.;
f. Speaker - Kathleen: Listed several possible candidates - she will see who is available; Carolyn - there is a $3k budget for out of town speaker travel & lodging, there is a separate budget for out of town Spanish speaking speaker travel & lodging; Need to pin down schedule, tentatively - Friday Kickoff: local MBAR Committee Member, Friday evening: AA / Al-Anon, Possibly Saturday afternoon: old-timer's panel, Saturday afternoon: Al-Anon, Saturday Night, Sunday morning: Al-Anon, Sunday morning: AA;
g. Outreach - Conor: Not Present; Re-send revised registration form to Central Offices in Monterey, San Francisco, Los Angeles;
h. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: No Report;
i. Marathon Meetings - Mark: Coordinating with Al-Anon;
j. Facilities- Sally: No report;
k. Website - Phillip: New website accessibility (ADA) compliance nearly complete; Registration process is working smoothly - Money to treasurer, Registration form to registration chair; Updated payment process, Robert review Spanish page; Address domain, web hosting, etc. renewed; Working on Al-Anon page; Adding t-shirts and coffee mugs; Need updated committee list and conference schedule to post;
l. Raffle - Katherine: $978 from St Patrick's day plus 50/50; May & others volunteered to help with raffle; Focus on lining up raffle prizes for the conference;
10. Old Business:
a. Reminder Committee Members should all be registered, within the next month;
b. Non-Profit Status: Committee Members please announce we are needing assistance with this;
Fundraising Ideas
a. Members of the Fellowship have inquired regarding two events Bingo and Softball: I have a member who would be willing to be the softball coordinator Saturday after 4th of July, like last year. The following committee chairs would need to be available: Proposed and Approved for July 6, 2024;
b. Unity Day presence: need volunteers
c. Birthday meeting presence: Carolyn and Katherine;
d. AA and Al-Anon meeting: May 17 - 5pm Dinner, 6pm speaker;
11. New Business:
a. Event Insurance: MBAR is not covered under MBAIAA - this insurance is dedicated for the regular meetings that are occurring with the fellowship and the spaces they occupy. The company they use is Philadelphia Insurance Company, Agent Trocelyn Allen at Hub International Insurance, 951-779-8643 - If members know of other vendors forward info to Christina;
12. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 4/30/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
13. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 5/11/2024 at 10am;
14. Meeting adjourned at 11:15am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Brady, Carolyn, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Diane, Hilda, Jane, Janet, Jean, Joanie, Katherine Ann, Kathleen, Mary Grace, Naomi, Phillip, Renee, Robert, Samantha, Sean, and Roger

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday March 9, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Phil C.;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: Diane C., Kat G.(Susan S.);
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all so much for your attendance service and support. You being here means so much, and I want to ensure you that the committee chairs have been hard at work and working to ensure we have translated forms and website to Spanish for accessibility, smooth online registration, ability to streamline registration info to the registration chair as well as orchestrating representation at AA events to capture early registration.

It is important that we square away T-shirt style vote this meeting as to be able to have early registrations have a chance to pick a shirt if they so choose so our registration chair can give an idea of needed T-shirts so we do not end up with an excessive surplus.

After today's meeting and our St. Patrick's Day event, we can give more dedicated focus on shaping the Conference and have discussions on how best to serve our Fellowship.

I have been able to come in contact with our Al-Anon Chair and their Al-Anon/AA Speaker Dinner Meeting was great to be a part of. They really have MBAR at the forefront of their fellowship conversations, and I cannot wait to be able to make the same connections with our Spanish Speaking community, and the Young People's fellowship we have growing in our area.

We are needing the following chairs filled: Events;
7. Treasurer's Report - Jean T: See attached budget spreadsheet; Current balance $22,391 includes registrations, bingo, etc.; Includes 20 registrations; Initial Prudent Reserve $15,464; Fund raisers total $10,776;
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina: Renee translating several documents to Spanish;
b. Registration - Naomi: 13 total registrations received; Eight of the 20 paid registrations reported by treasurer; Five free registrations - logo contest and raffle prizes; Working on online registration process; Al-Anon volunteered to assist; Chris encouraged all committee members to register;
c. Spanish - Robert: Reviewing Spanish translation of registration form, etc.;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: All three speakers lined up; Start meetings next week; Committees assembled;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: Mock-ups prepared by Mica; Need to firm-up T-shirt cost; Need direction on travel mugs, water bottles, ball caps, etc.;
f. Speaker - Kathleen: No report;
g. Outreach - Conor: Announcing St Patrick's day; Reached out to Central offices Monterey, San Francisco, Los Angeles; Plan to attend Salinas Meetings - requested feedback on meetings that are well attended; Christina reminded committee members that we all have some responsibility for outreach;
h. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: Announcing MBAR at committee meetings;
i. Facilities- Sally: No report - holding pattern for now;
j. Website - Phillip: New website accessibility (ADA) compliance nearly complete; Working on setting up registration process - Money to treasurer; Registration form to registration chair; Get Google form from Rene; Updating payment process; Spanish page setup; Address domain, web hosting, etc. renewal fees; Working on Al-Anon page; Renee coordinate Spanish translation;
k. Raffle - Katherine: $715 from Bingo 50/50; Chris (co-chair) needs volunteers to help with raffle at St. Patrick's Day; Add committee for St Patrick's day; May volunteered to help with raffle;
10. Old Business:
a. St. Patty Day Sun 3/17: See Attached Flyer in Invite; Phil C. Pool House; Event Time: 4 to 7pm; Setup: 1pm; Speaker: Avail L; Food: Matt R. and Helpers; Raffle: 50/50 and Prizes; Katherine needs help - Ticket Sales, Prize drawing; Use MBAR Vases for tickets; Renee decorations; Plates, napkins, and cutlery covered; Volunteers - Diane, Sydney, May, Conor and several people in chat;
T-shirt poll about the style and color of the MBAR t-shirts
a. T-shirts for attendees: Short sleeve; navy blue with white and gold logo - ten people - approved; Short sleeve, navy blue with white logo - nine people; Committee T-shirts, jersey, white and blue - approved.
11. New Business:
Coffee Provided at MBAR 2024:
a. Monterey Conference Center coffee service - One Gallon of coffee or tea service (16 cups at 8oz.) equals $80; With Tax and Gratuity - $108.75; 100 people - AM coffee: 5 to 6 gallons regular coffee and 2 gallons tea; PM coffee: four gallons (coffee and tea); Total: approx. 12 gallons for the day; (This is estimating that almost everyone would at least have one cup, and little less than half of the people would have two cups for the entire day.); Coffee at 50 gallons per day would be $5,437.50 per day; 500 people would be 60 gallons per day; Total: $6,525.00 per day; For two days, approx. $10,000 for coffee; When we reach that amount, we remove the coffee; That would be approx. 92 gallons for the two days; Unanimous agreement to reject $10K coffee proposal.
b. Extensive discussion regarding the Marriott Hospitality Suite: Budgeted at $2K - Phil gets a discount - need to book in advance; Kathleen offered to stock with food items & coffee; Motion to approve Marriott Hospitality Suite with coffee as budgeted - approved; Work out details at the next meeting and determine if budget needs to be adjusted;
12. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 3/26/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
13. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 4/13/2024 at 10am;
14. Meeting adjourned at 11:15am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Andy, Chris, Cindy, Conor, Dawn, Diane, Jane, Janet, Jean, Kathleen, Katherine Ann, Kathleen S., Kevin, Mary Grace, Mary H., Naomi, Phil, Phillip, Renee, Sally H., Susan S., and Roger;

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday February 10, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Jean;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: Joanie: Al-Anon;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Thank you all so much for your attendance service and support of the January Bingo event, it was a huge success and made an impression on so many in our Fellowship that attended their very 1st Sober event. It was so much fun and I could not be more grateful to all those that I get to be in service and work with.

We have T-Shirts to decide upon in this meeting. Phillip has created a Zoom poll that we will use to aid us in this important decision.

We also have a consideration for coffee to be available at the conference and we have provided a rough estimate of cost should this be something we may decide as a committee to offer.

Our conference is a little less than seven months away so the focus and attention to these items within this meeting is very much appreciated.

We are needing the following chairs filled: Events, Outreach - Conor and Rick, and Marathon Meetings - possibly Mark.
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn, Jean T: Current balance $22,154.25 includes registrations, bingo, etc.; Carolyn/Phillip discussed domain renewal;
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs/Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina: St. Patrick's and Bingo flyers distributed on Facebook and printed copies were distributed;
b. Registration - Naomi: Ten registrations received; Working on online registration process;
c. Spanish - Robert: Meet last Wednesday of the month (potluck); Need Spanish translation of registration form - Renee to get translation made; 28 Spanish Groups; Working on speakers from Texas and Mexico;
d. Al-Anon - Dawn: Start meetings next month; Committees assembled;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: See polling below; Recommended committee t-shirts be a different color; Consider travel mugs, water bottles, ball caps, etc.;
f. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: Announcing MBAR at committee meetings;
g. Facilities - Sally: No report;
h. Website - Phillip: New website is accessible (ADA); Working on registration - Money to treasurer and Registration form to registration chair; Resolve process for marking registrations as paid – coordinate with Carolyn and Naomi; Address domain renewal; Robert check Spanish page on website; Renee coordinate Spanish translation; Needs digital copies of Spanish translation;
i. Raffle - Katherine: Chris needs volunteers to help with raffle at St. Patrick's Day; Add committee for St Patrick's day - Collect money for meals: Joanie and Chris;
10. Old Business:
Fundraising Ideas
a. Recap January "B-I-N-G-O": Moose Lodge Friday 1/26/24, 6 to 9pm; 50/50 Raffle and donated raffle prizes; Speaker: Elena B; Bingo Game Master; Photo Boot was a success; Volunteers: Volunteers: Food (3) Entry (3) Raffle (2) 7th tradition (2 to 3); Food - contributed - receipts saved; Total income $3,199.25 - Carolyn provide details in March; Make provisions to take 50/50 contributions by Venmo;
b. Saint Patty Day, Sun 3/17 - not discussed; Site - Moose Lodge or Phil's Pool House; Phil see if house is available; Time 4pm to 7pm; Speaker; Food - Chris reach out to potential cooks; Raffle;
T-shirt poll about the style and color of the MBAR t-shirts
a. Style: Short sleeve, Long sleeve, Baseball style; Color Options: Teal, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, White and Black; Final results: General MBAR T-shirts winner - Short Sleeve, $15, and Navy Blue; Committee T-shirts - Jersey, white and blue; Kevin bring samples in March; New poll next month to finalize t-shirt design; Jean bring sample t-shirts from past MBARs;
11. New Business:
Coffee Provided at MBAR 2024:
a. Monterey Conference Center coffee service - One Gallon of coffee or tea service (16 cups at 8oz.) equals $80; With Tax and Gratuity - $108.75; 100 people - AM coffee: 5 to 6 gallons regular coffee and 2 gallons tea; PM coffee: four gallons (coffee and tea); Total: approx. 12 gallons for the day; (This is estimating that almost everyone would at least have one cup, and little less than half of the people would have two cups for the entire day.); Coffee at 50 gallons per day would be $5,437.50 per day; 500 people would be 60 gallons per day; Total: $6,525.00 per day; For two days, approx. $10,000 for coffee; When we reach that amount, we remove the coffee; That would be approx. 92 gallons for the two days;
12. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 2/27/2024 at 6pm via Zoom;
13. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 3/9/2024 at 10am;
14. Meeting adjourned at 11:15am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Carolyn, Chris, Cole, Dawn, Gina, Jane;g. Janet, Jean, Joanie, Kathleen, Kevin, Mary Grace, Naomi, Phil, Phillip, Renee, Robert, and Roger;

MBAR 2024 Committee Notes
Zoom ID 831 4306 2293 Password 2024
Saturday January 13, 2024 at 10am

1. Chairperson's Call to Order: 10am;
2. Reading of the 12 Traditions: Jean;
3. New attendees, put your phone numbers and email addresses in the chat: Andy, Jill, Dawn: Al-Anon, and Jane: Al-Anon;
4. Are there any A.A. or Al-Anon anniversaries since our last meeting? None;
5. Approve/Amend Minutes from the last meeting: Approved;
6. Chairperson's Report - Chris T.: Happy New Year - I am very excited to see what we are able to achieve as a planning committee with the hard work, dedication, communication, ideas, and execution with aid from the Higher Power of this group as we continue to plan and secure the means to have a well-rounded 2024 MBAR Conference.

We are now in 2024, the year of MBAR. We have reports from our committee chairs to speak upon and have our Fundraising Event in a few weeks. Please ensure we are allowing for prompt and concise feedback in order to close the meeting ideally within a one hour time frame to allow for a good balance between service and life obligations.

Your attendance and participation is appreciated and I am more than grateful for the efforts of all. We are needing the following chairs filled: Outreach and Events.
7. Treasurer's Report - Carolyn, Jean T: Conference Center Deposit - $5k paid; Mailbox renewed; Business License renewed; Current balance $18,400; Paid deposit at Bethlehem Lutheran Church; One registration received;
8. Seventh Tradition: You can make a 7th Tradition contribution - PayPal at mbartreasurer@gmail.com or by sending a check to - MBAR, PO Box 1462, Monterey, CA 93942; Or Venmo: @MBARoundup24 (Note: Venmo and check go 100% to Treasury, PayPal collects a fee.)
9. Committee Chairs / Steering Committee Reports
a. Media - Gina: Bingo flyer distributed on Facebook and printed copies were distributed; Developed flyer for 2024 committee meetings; Misc other postings on Facebook;
b. Registration - Naomi: Nothing in PO Box; Tested online registration process;
c. Spanish - Robert: No report;
d. Al-Anon - Jane: No report;
e. T-Shirt - Kevin: Extensive discussion about T-shirts, Travel Mugs, and Ball Caps; Table discussion until next meeting - Chris and Phillip develop an on-line poll;
f. I.G.R. / G.S.R. - Cole: Announcing MBAR at committee meetings; No report;
g. Facilities - Sally: Received 24 responses to the survey; Need to be aware of sales tax requirements if we sell merchandise at the conference center;
h. Website - Phillip: New website is up and running; Arranging to get ownership of domain names for MBAR; New pages for Al-Anon and Spanish fellowship; Phasing out Google Doc registration to online registration on the website; Website registration permits data export for registration etc.
i. Raffle - Katherine: Still need prizes for Bingo; No report;
10. Old Business:
Fundraising Ideas
a. January "B-I-N-G-O": Moose Lodge, Friday 1/26/24, 6 to 9pm; 50/50 Raffle and donated raffle prizes; Speaker: Elena B; Bingo Game Master; Volunteers: Food (3), Entry (3), Raffle (2), and 7th tradition (2 to 3); Set up and cleanup; Start setup at 4:30pm; Volunteers: Conor - Food Set Up/Clean Up; Carolyn - Set Up/Prizes; Kathleen - Set Up/Clean Up/Food; Sean - Food/Coffee; Cindy - Entry; Arthur - Entry; Cole - 7th Tradition/Clean Up; Samantha - Clean Up/Prizes; Karen - Raffle; Renee - 7th Tradition/Raffle; Janet - Food/7th Tradition; Robert - Entry/Clean Up; Katherine - Raffle/Prizes; Jean and Gina volunteer; Susan volunteer for registration table; Cindy coordinate with Chris to transfer "Square" payment devices;
b. Saint Patty Day, Sun 3/17 - not discussed; Site: Moose Lodge or Phil's Pool House - Phil see if house is available; Time: 4pm to 7pm; Speaker; Food: Chris reach out to potential cooks; Raffle;
11. New Business: None;
12. Next Steering Committee meeting is Tuesday 12/26/23 at 6pm via Zoom;
13. Next Committee meeting is Saturday 1/13/2024 at 10am;
14. Meeting adjourned at 11:10am with the Serenity Prayer;

Attendees: Amber, Andy, Anne, Chris, Cindy, Cole, Dawn, Gina, Jane, Janet, Jean, Jill, Katherine, Kathleen, Kevin, Kim, Mary Grace, Naomi, Penny, Phillip, Renee, Roger, Sally, and Susan;

MBAR 2026 on Labor Day weekend!

Virtual Kick-Off Zoom Meeting

August 28th at 8:00pm PDT
This meeting is open to everyone, and we encourage you to join!

In-Person Meetings

August 29th and August 30th at the Monterey Conference Center
Please note that registration is required for the in-person event.

We look forward to seeing you then!